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CVP Website Designed by D. Randall, Copyright 2023

CVP Affiliates

CVP is a non-profit organization with a focus on education about ethics, safety, and techniques of small mining and prospecting, metal detecting, as well as relic and treasure hunting.

Calendar of Events

CVP Facebook

Community News

Monthly Meetings!

Every month the club has two meetings. The Board Meeting is held every second Wednesday at six pm. All members are welcome to attend. The next Board Meeting will be held on Sep 11.

The General Meeting is held on the Third Tuesday of each month. Our next general meeting will be on Sept 17th

See the Maps below for addresses and times.

That's What Friends are For!

Larry Rigs recently went through hip replacement surgery. Hank made a point to visit him and help him out!(photo used with permission.)

Been Prospecting on Our Claims?

If you have been to one of our claims in the past few months and you would like to have your pictures added to the website, you can share you photos with our Webmaster by emailing a link to a Google Drive Folder, or by providing a thumbdrive of the images you want to share with any board member (who will in turn get it to the webmaster).

Newsletter and Notifications

If you have not been getting the CVP newsletters please send your correct e-mail to:

We are also aware that some people who have Gmail are not receiving the newsletters or the reminders sent through the club's email. Please check your spam boxes and whitelist as a measure to help the email get to you.

Board Meetings

Location: Yosemite Falls Cafe, 1455 Shaw Ave, Clovis, CA

When: Second Wednesday of each month.

Time: 6:00 PM

General Meetings

Location: Worship Center Church, 16357 Trimmer Spring Rd, Sanger, CA 93657

When: Third Tuesday of each month.

Time: 6:30PM